It's been so long since my last actual post! BUT-- before you chew my head off for not doing much the past couple of weeks, let me explain.
+ I moved back to school two weeks ago and I didn't really have time to settle because I was here for a music camp since I am a music student. I've also been broke so I haven't been able to organize/decorate my room in the ways that I want to just yet.
+ I started school last week! While my schedule isn't as academically intense as it has been in past semesters, I was still trying to get used to my schedule and my living situation (see above). However, so far I love my classes!
+ I've been commuting back and forth between church and school because of my involvement at my church on the weekends (thursdays - sundays). It's been tiring, but I do very much appreciate having a car to transport myself.
+ God has blessed me with work! I work as a character performer (currently mascot characters but hopefully a princess/face character one day) and as a freelance face painter on the side so I've recently been doing a lot with that as well. I actually just recently gotten some extra cash from myself so hopefully I'll get to decorating and organizing my room soon (especially cause it's been terribly messy lately).
+ I've also had other things happening recently (ex: BeautyCon LA, my sister leaving for college 6 hours away) that have also prevented me from posting and being as active as I'd like.
Here are a few pictures of the past couple of weeks for a glimpse into my life as of late:
BeautyCon LA:
I got to meet Shannon (aka Shaaanxo) at BeautyCon. I love her videos and her accent! |
Got a free pair of jeans from Lucky Brand (worth $119) as a result of this picture. BeautyCon haul to come soon! |
Sister's going away dinner:
preview of my room so far! |
Yes, I took on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The full video is on my personal facebook. |
First day of school #ootd: Black/White sleeveless top - stole from my sister // Boyfriend jeans - freebie from Lucky Brand Jeans // Brown flats/sandals - Charlotte Russe // Purple backpack - old from Target
Of course, I had to have some boba this past week. |
One of my best friends is an RA this year (above) and I am so honored to be a "floor aunt" for her floor! I didn't directly mention this on the blog, but I applied and didn't become an RA this year (
and briefly talked about it), but I'm so happy for this lovely friend of mine who did get chosen for it. I'm honored to join her on this rollercoaster in this part of her life with her! And plus, I get to do everything an RA does without the commitment and obligation! :] (whoops!)
My roommates from last year, reunited! (I'm still living with Alissa, on the left)
My school is so country they turned it into a country club for a night. |
Some face painting samples for you to see my work so far:
And of course, I have to include a picture with the boyfriend.
Although I can't guarantee that I'll be back to my 3 posts a week schedule anytime soon, I do hope to get posting at least once or twice a week! I've missed you all!
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