Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to the New Year!

Happy New Year! Can you believe that 2014 is already here? I sure can't. It's time for a brand-new start in every aspect.

Every year I set goals for myself. I don't like calling them resolutions because I feel like that would make me more prone to not following through with them. To make myself be more organized, I usually try to organize my goals into categories. With this blog's one year anniversary coming up in May, I have huge plans for this blog and cannot wait to see it all come together!

Blog goals:
[x] Fix up site design
[x] Consistently post 3 times a week
[] Schedule more posts!
[x] Connect and collaborate with other bloggers
[x] Take better photos
[] Post YouTube videos on my channel (also meant to partner with this blog) at least once a week
[x] Film better quality videos with the boyfriend
[] Participate in a few events with brands and/or other bloggers
[x] Have at least 500 Facebook fans
[x] Increase following on all social media!
[] Hit 10,000 pageviews

Personal Goals:
[] Thoroughly study through at least half the Bible
[] Get back on with daily devotions
[] Pray more
[] Read at least 12 books by the end of the year
[x] Get my car PLEASE
[x] Get a job off campus
[x] Find a place to live for the summer
[] Get my community college transcripts omg I've put it off too long haha
[] Learn to cook a Filipino dish
[] Travel to at least 3 different states
[] Go on a roadtrip
[] Do a cover video
[x] Go to a museum
[x] Do something touristy in LA
[] Try a new type of food!
[x] Do a pinterest craft in real life

I could probably go on forever, but that is the general idea of what I want to do next year. I already have a few plans that will help me accomplish some of these goals, so we'll see. Come on 2014, I am ready for you!

What are your plans for the new year?


  1. Text me when you're in town so we can admire and drool over the works of art at the Griffith Observatory Museum. Also, it goes without saying, but I'm looking forward to more makeup posts from you :)

    1. Aww Joana I miss you so much! And I'm flattered that you're looking to more makeup posts from me [: You should do one with me sometime!

    2. :) I'd love that!

  2. You can do these goals!! Good luck! Update on the blog to let us know how you are doing. And I'm following you on Instagram now! :)

    1. Thanks, Taylor! Don't worry, I will be! & I'm following back [:

  3. love the list! these all seem like great goals because they're very doable, yk? good luck! :)

  4. I've always set goals as well but never for my blog - what a great idea... I'm with you about taking better photos... it's been a challenge for me! :)


Talk to me! If you have something to say about this post, say it! I want to know. Happy commenting! [: